English Speech Assessment and Training
One of our native English speaking coaches will speak with you for a few minutes to evaluate your American English speech comprehensibility, and provide a speech improvement plan and cost estimate for the training. An appointment may be required.
Conversation Space Speech Rating Scale
- You are speaking
- Your voice is loud enough to be heard and sound is more or less continuous.
- Most words can be understood and there is some correct syntax.
- Most words are pronounced correctly and there is more correct syntax. Voice sound comes from somewhere in the ‘mask’.
- The overall voice volume, tone, pitch, and prosody match the contours expected in standard English.
- Information is flowing from speech with few pronunciation errors, filler words (speech place holders,) sounds and other breaks.
- Information, thoughts, and ideas are being expressed with logical flow, good emphasis, variations in pitch, variations in volume, and tone. Listeners are engaged.
- You can answer a challenging question by supplying information and logical reasoning, expressed in correct syntax, with a minimum number of speech place holder or fillers.
- Listeners are convinced of the authenticity of the speaker and the opinions and information expressed.
- Listening to you is a memorable or transformational experience and the listener is moved to take action in support of the ideas and information expressed.
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To schedule your evaluation, contact ConversationSpace via Skype © or by telephone.
Skype Phone: (310 961-4484)
Computer Call Conversation Space via Skype ©
Personal or small group speech training via Skype interactive video is $65.00 / 30 minutes, and includes access to the video training library and community membership.